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Appunti su rivolte DEMOCRATICHE nel mondo

agosto 13, 2009

Interessante commento a questo articolo che Alex Jones riporta sul suo sito – Prisoner Planet – dal

Democratic Rep. Barron Hill says speaking your mind is an act of “political terrorism”

Jeering protesters, unruly crowds and even arrests for disorderly conduct

to blow up a meeting is an act of political terrorism

(far saltare una riunione è un atto di terrorismo politico

… vietato protestare … come in Italia …


Social Viability Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 1:50 pm

We don’t need to take off anyone’s head to fix this problem. In fact the politicians would love for you to attempt a violent uprising, Veteran. It would give them every excuse to institute martial law and open up the internment camps.

Everyone should be well armed and trained to protect themselves but using those weapons for a witch-hunt makes you no better than the scum in charge. If you resort to evil methods to defeat evil, then evil is never defeated.

No, these low-life degenerates that seek to enslave you and your children can be defeated without any witch-hunt. They can be removed from power without any violent uprising.

The only reason they are in power is because we grant them their power. The only reason they rule us is because we go along with them.

1. Stop Watching TV. Virtually all of TV is a mindwashing campaign to keep you mentally addled and incapable of creating a society not under their control.

2. Stop Voting. The politicians cannot claim any legitimate authority if we stop running out to the polls whenever they tell us we should.

3. Stop Using Their Money. Switch to an alternative currency where possible. If the Fed cannot exploit you through usury and inflation – and if the govn cannot extract taxation from you, their system will dissolve through lack of funding.

Don’t fight the system:

Replace it

Non combattere il sistema: Sostituiscilo.

Non abbiamo bisogno di togliere la testa di qualcuno per risolvere questo problema. In effetti i politici amerebbero farvi tentare una violenta rivolta, Veteran. Si darebbe loro ogni pretesto per istituire la legge marziale e aprire i campi di internamento.

Tutti devono essere ben armati ed addestrati per proteggere se stessi, ma di utilizzare tali armi per una caccia alle streghe che non fa meglio della schiuma in carica. Se il ricorrere al male è il metodo per sconfiggere il male, allora il male non è mai sconfitto.

No, questi basso-vita degenera che cercano di schiavizzare voi e i vostri bambini possono essere sconfitto senza caccia alle streghe. Essi possono essere rimossi dal potere senza violenta rivolta.

L’unico motivo per cui sono al potere, perché è concedere loro il potere. L’unica ragione che ci è stato, perché andare con loro.

1. Stop Guardare la TV. Praticamente tutte di TV sono una campagna di lavaggio del cervello per tenervi confusi mentali e incapaci di creare una società non sotto il loro controllo.

2. Stop al voto. I politici non possono far valere qualsiasi legittima autorità se noi non andiamo alle urne ogni volta che ce lo chiedono.

3. Smettere di usare i loro soldi. Passare alla moneta alternativa, ove possibile. Se la Fed non può sfruttare l’utente attraverso l’usura e l’inflazione – e se il governo non può estrarre tasse da voi, il loro sistema si dissolverà per mancanza di finanziamenti.


Ma leggete tutti i commenti … tutto il mondo è Paese :/ e in tutti i Paesi … c’è il finimondo.

Ne riporto qui alcuni:

put the military on the streets, let them go for it. Because they are setting their own trap. :/

##########SPREAD THIS INFORMATION##########

(Diffondere queste INFORMAZIONI)

***Wall Street criminals exposed By Marcy K.***

(WALLSTREET BAILOUT America is going down the toilet and I am going to flash the water)


***Rep. Alan Grayson asks the FEDERAL RESERVE Inspector General where the money is gone..***

HQ version:


Bills to be supported: S 604 and HR 1207. Information:


<a href="



Horus Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 7:28 pm

If the rating are low, the old anchors are replaced with a younger, prettier face.

Do you here that, Hillary? The Corporate execs call all the shots, not the pretty faces that they put before the cameras. The elections are nothing more than “Dancing with the Stars.”


Candy Man Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 1:38 pm

I know I personally ignore rude people for the simple reason that I refuse to give in to that kind of behavior.

If you can’t comport yourself in a civil manner, don’t complain when you get written off as an asshole.

“You get more with sugar…”


theLeak Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 2:32 pm

Hey Candy Man,

You obviously know nothing of our history.

Years before our revolution Founding Fathers attempted to speak in a civil tone and for years were ignored, rebuffed, and treated to imprisonment or worse, until finally they had to resort to more forceful means to be heard.

If you were to go back and read many of the speeches prior to the outbreak of hostilities there were speeches given then that would make any today seem tame.

No, screw them. They’re getting just what they deserve for not having listened to us all these years when we were polite. Polite time is over. They wouldn’t listen to our voices, maybe they’ll listen to our actions.


Horus Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 3:31 pm

Let’s all shine our shoes, put on our best suit and tie, and try to impress our massa. Sorry, the days of playing by their rules are over.



… si mette male, molto male.

Forse devo togliere DEMOCRATICHE dal titolo.

Continuo a leggere:<


August 12th, 2009 at 1:22 pm

We need your support.

Youtube is pulling videos and slowing hitcount of those they don’t pull. INCLUDING THIS ONE.




Feds had 3rd weekend in September scheduled for terrorist flu attack. They don’t want a biker rally to take away the headlines.


Bikers vs Bankers is not affiliated with any single biker group/organization but is hoping to be affiliated with ALL bikers!

3rd week in September scheduled as FLU SCARE week. FEDS DO NOT LIKE THIS VIDEO.

With me or without me,

Make the ride.


Rob in CT Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 1:34 pm

The need to explain what the real problem is. Why can’t we get a straight answer on that, and a CONSTITUTIONAL solution huh?

Current legislation being considered does not cut medical costs! It will cost a trillion dollars and they are planning on paying for that with new taxes on the wealthy and also on benefits now provided to the middle class, which means less jobs.

So it really is NO WONDER that people are angry!


Barack Obama = Anakin Skywalker Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 1:53 pm

This Government is doing exactly what the British did if they won’t listen won’t act as representatives of the people than they are tyrants. The only question is will we kowtow before our lords.


Biker Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 2:08 pm

To put an end to this crap we need two things to become law. One is to make everyone in the house and senate live under the same health plan they want us to live under. The other is to make a law that says no lobbyists can have any type of contact with anyone in office. It was a felony at one time in this country for a politician to consort in any way with a lobbyists. Then by the opinion of a court clerk at the supreme court who penciled in the margins of a ruling that corporations were people and had the same rights it all changed. We need to go back to that and throw the lobbyists out of D.C. Biker


Maxx Perrish Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 2:20 pm

Twist and distort is their only current means of retaliation. The citizen’s rational calculation is the enemy of their design…YOU are the enemy of their design!


Martin Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 5:15 pm

That’s a really dumb thing to say. To call Hill a terrorist is very laughable. He did not use his words wisely, that’s all. What’s happened is that since 9/11, which I have serious questions about, people are looking for nefarious acts of treason when they do not exist. Focus on the Bush Crime Family. They’re the real enemy.


Minnetonka Nark Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 3:39 pm

15 years ago all contact between males and females was labeled “Sexual Harrassment”. Today anytime you disagree with Obama or Pelosi, even within your own mind, you are labeled a “Terrorist”. This crap comes from NWO policy think tanks. It seems to be effective on half the population. Is hydroflurosalicic acid (the toxic compound of fluoride, arsenic, cadmium and lead that’s added to public water) so effective that few Anericans can think and see the truth?


The Cleaner Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 3:31 pm

No doubt all these comments from those criminals are being logged. For when they go on trial for treason.



August 12th, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Cleaner, they have their list, we have our list. I bet a Bounty Mounty will get rich. How much would the capture of the top criminals in the NWO be worth? If each of the 7 billion humans saved by stopping the NWO from killing them gave a penny, they would be one of the wealthiest humans in the world.


Horus Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 5:05 pm

“You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror.” GWB

Same song, different singer.


hellferbreakfast Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 4:02 pm

I don’t have the money to buy gas to go to any townhall meetings. Those of you that can make the best of it. GIVE THEM HELL FER BREAKFAST !!!!!!!!


stormcrow Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 4:51 pm

Those lying, thieving, conniving little Pricks have taken over the role of Organized Crime in America. Vote the Bastards out!

They have enough nerve to show their contempt for the Citizens of this nation with names like “Terrorist” just because we disagree with them and say so.

Remember phrases like: Live Free Or Die, Don’t Tread on Me?

We have them outnumbered and We hold the high ground.


James Gang Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 11:26 pm

Fuck voting. Stop playing their game. Social Viability is correct: Ditch the tube, do not vote, and do commerical transaction outside of thse fucking asshole’s grid. Barter!


Alex Says: (Alex Jones?)

August 12th, 2009 at 5:25 pm

O.K. everbody I want you to all preview my newest film that I’m working on, it’s about these animals programmed by the Bilderbergers to attack on site……………….(deep breath) ………………(deep breath)………….I can’t do this anymore ….YOU THINK I LIKE DOING THIS!….my God this so sick …NOW THEY HAVE TURNED THE ANIMALS ON US.


Sean Hannity Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Alex you idiot you misspelled sight. Why don’t you just get off of the air already, you can’t compete with me and the big boys, you conspiracy kook.


Alex Reply:

August 12th, 2009 at 6:10 pm



Alex Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 5:28 pm

SITE Intelligence Group Monitoring Service

“By monitoring terrorist and extremist websites and penetrating password-protected Al Qaeda linked sites, SITE provides a state-of-the-art intelligence service to both practitioners and analysts to understand the adversary.” – Rohan Gunaratna, Author, Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror (Columbia University Press)

Studying the primary source propaganda, training manuals, and chatter of terrorists offers insight into terrorists and their activities that can not be obtained anywhere else. Failing to monitor terrorist propaganda is a failure in intelligence. To fulfill this need, the SITE Intelligence Group offers its Monitoring Service, which provides numerous daily translations of terrorist propaganda and multimedia from primary source terrorist websites.


Cerco i documenti italiani

nel sito indicato da Alex Jones:

Your search for ITALY found the following documents (of 5602 documents searched)

Buona lettura.


Incriminally Sane Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 6:16 pm

This ;looks like it folks, now that they must resort to defending themselves by calling US Terrorists, they are running SCARED, they cannot anticipate their next move because WE THE PEOPLE are on them like stink on shit.

Keep up the pressure and we shall surely prevail in this battle of wits. We clearly hold the Moral high ground on all fronts and we cannot afford to let them have an inch or they will continue to take many miles.

They are intentionally bankrupting this country financially, spiritually and morally and they have done ENORMOUS DAMAGE, but at this point we can still bring this nation off it’s knees. We must get rid of the Federal Reserve, FIRE ALL POLITICIANS from City to Federal levels and create a new standard of conduct for ALL people in politics as it seems abiding by the Constitution is just far too difficult for Politicians to do. I’m not saying getting rid of the Constitution, but rather hold all Political office holders to entirely new and much higher standard of conduct and transparency.

But first, we must transform our Government into what the founders had Originally intended and get America back on track. FIRE THE LIARS, DUAL CITIZENS and criminals and all the alphabet agencies that are corrupt to the core, No secret societies, no outside influence, just peaceful, sovereign people that want to live truly FREE according to GODS LAWS.


commieobamie Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 7:02 pm

When these Fascist, COMMUNIST scum called me and other AMERICANS, (”US Veterans and Christians”) potential TERRORISTS, INSTEAD of COMMIE/ NAZI ISLAMIC Fairy moon god loving scum TERRORISTS, as they ARE and the USURPERS moslem FAMILY.

THAT”S IT!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE MR. Nice GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THEY (the COMMIES) drew FIRST BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mike Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 10:44 pm

Hill is a terist…and will be incarcerated eventually…LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!


Mike Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 10:44 pm



Mike Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 10:46 pm



Mike Says:

August 12th, 2009 at 10:47 pm

Sons of liberty…prepare…


Nyah Says:

August 13th, 2009 at 12:18 am

Death 2all Black&White DOWNPRESSORS

We’ll smoke them out of their holes….EVERYWHERE



willis Carto Says:

August 13th, 2009 at 5:31 am

Democratic Rep. Barron Hill says speaking your mind is an act of “political terrorism”


(È una menzogna)




What the article actually says is:

It’s unclear how much the anger expressed in the town halls is genuine public concern over possible changes to the health care system and how much is manufactured anger coordinated by political organizations determined to defeat reform.

to get some ACCURATE info, instead of LIES from Alex Jones, try

(Che cosa dice l’articolo è in realtà:

E ‘molto chiaro come la rabbia espressa in città sale è autentico interesse pubblico su eventuali modifiche al sistema di assistenza sanitaria e quanto è prodotto rabbia coordinato da organizzazioni politiche determinati a sconfiggere la riforma.

per ottenere alcune informazioni ACCURATI, invece della menzogna di Alex Jones, provare) (*)

The truth is real reform is at risk because opponents are using scare tactics and slogans to gin up fear and misunderstandings.

FACT #1: Medicare will not be ended, and no benefits or services will be cut.

FACT #2: No legislation currently in Congress would mandate the rationing of care. Period.

FACT #3: There is no provision of any piece of legislation that would promote euthanasia of any kind.

So what is AARP fighting for in health reform?

-Stopping insurance companies from charging older Americans unaffordable premiums because of their age.

-Ending the practice of excluding people from insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

-Holding down health costs and making insurance coverage more affordable for all Americans.

-Making prescription drugs more affordable by narrowing the Medicare doughnut hole, bringing generics to market faster, and allowing Medicare to negotiate better drug prices.


Glasstone Says:

August 13th, 2009 at 5:36 am

Barron Hill?

Oh, another traitor.

One bullet.

(Barron Hill?

Oh, un altro traditore.

Un proiettile.)


Matt Mosley Says:

August 13th, 2009 at 7:23 am


Verse 1

When the first ammendment is taken away –

the second ammendment must come into play

Free speech of mankind is a God given right

and any attempts to take it away must end in a fight

The 4 fathers gave the people the right to bears arms

so you could re-take the country if it went that far

With a desire for freedom and a gun in hand

you could march towards Washington and retake the land

When a Government tries to tell you what you can and can’t say

it’s time to grab your guns and give them their final day

‘cos no man should have a hold over another mans speech

and any man that tries should be put way out of reach

Anyone who tries to deny a persons God given right

should be sent to meet their maker that very same night

No trial – no defense and no excuse

if they try to control the people they can taste our boots


Everybody rise up – fight for your freedom right now

don’t wait to tomorrow they’ve started the countdown

It’s time to rise up the wars already begun

it’s time to rise up so grab yourself a gun

Everybody rise up now while you still can

before they come to your home throw you in a FEMA camp

The Patriot Act’s raping the constitution

The only solution: Violent Revolution (Violent Revolution x4)

Verse 2

When the 2nd Ammendment is taken away

it’s time to stand up and fight come what may

‘cos the right to bear arms was given to the people

to overthrow the government if they became evil

Just ‘cos a kid shoots his school up ‘cos he’s getting bullied

doesn’t mean everyone else needs to be getting worried

Alot of people get killed every year by the gun

but it’s no reason to take them away from everyone

The 4th Ammendment got killed by the Patriot Act

and now they can search your house without a warrant and thats a fact

They can arrest you and hold you without telling you why

and your request of a lawyer flatly denied

They wanna kill the 6th Ammendent by having prosectutions

in private unseen by the public to protect their institution

And if we let it happen then we’ll be next on the list

and the Constitution and Bill of Rights might as well not exist

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3

There’s only one thing that can save the constitution

everybody coming together to start a revolution

‘cos in this day and age a peaceful one is a delusion

so buying guns and ammo is the only solution

It’s time to get some weapons training and learn martial arts

so we can be ready for ‘em when they come for us in the dark

‘cos the cowards they are will come strong and armed

so we gotta be ready so we won’t be alarmed

Men with simple guns might not be able to bring a solution

which is why Military weapons are covered by the constitution

What is owned by Government can be owned by man

so when tyranny strikes we can do all we can

So buy yourself a gun – if you can afford it 2

so you can be prepared for them when they come for you

With Liberty or Death tatooed on your chest

let them know that we’re in charge and we know what’s best

Repeat Chorus


(*) AARP KENTUCKY – Don’t Believe Them, the Truth is Real Reform is at Risk

Il sito di Ron Paul

E a proposito di pistole

e terrorismo – Tracrizione dell’intervista a Clinton – Fox News Sunday 22 09 2006

WALLACE: When we announced that you were going to be on Fox News Sunday, I got a lot of e-mail from viewers. And I’ve got to say, I was surprised. Most of them wanted me to ask you this question: Why didn’t you do more to put bin Laden and Al Qaida out of business when you were president?

There’s a new book out, I suspect you’ve already read, called

The Looming Tower.


And it talks about how the fact that when you pulled troops out of Somalia in 1993, bin Laden said, I have seen the frailty and the weakness and the cowardice of U.S. troops. Then there was the bombing of the embassies in Africa and the attack on the Cole.

WALLACE: Would you like to talk about the Clinton Global Initiative?

CLINTON: No, I want to finish this now.

WALLACE: All right. Well, after you.

CLINTON: All I’m saying is, you falsely accused me of giving aid and comfort to bin Laden because of what happened in Somalia. No one knew Al Qaida existed then. And…

WALLACE: But did they know in 1996 when he declared war on the U.S.? Did they know in 1998…

CLINTON: Absolutely, they did.

WALLACE: … when he bombed the two embassies?

CLINTON: And who talked about…

WALLACE: Did they know in 2000 when he hit the Cole?

CLINTON: What did I do? What did I do? I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since. And if I were still president, we’d have more than 20,000 troops there trying to kill him.

Now, I’ve never criticized President Bush, and I don’t think this is useful. But you know we do have a government that thinks Afghanistan is only one-seventh as important as Iraq.

And you ask me about terror and Al Qaida with that sort of dismissive thing? When all you have to do is read Richard Clarke’s book to look at what we did in a comprehensive, systematic way to try to protect the country against terror.

And you’ve got that little smirk on your face and you think you’re so clever. But I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I failed to get bin Laden. I regret it. But I did try. And I did everything I thought I responsibly could.

The entire military was against sending Special Forces in to Afghanistan and refueling by helicopter. And no one thought we could do it otherwise, because we could not get the CIA and the FBI to certify that Al Qaida was responsible while I was president.

And so, I left office. And yet, I get asked about this all the time. They had three times as much time to deal with it, and nobody ever asks them about it. I think that’s strange.

Read the full transcript HERE.

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Ma ecco il video:



devo proprio togliere la parola


dal titolo.

If you resort to evil methods to defeat evil, then evil is never defeated. Se il ricorrere al male è il metodo per sconfiggere il male, allora il male non è mai sconfitto.

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